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Project Wonderful is Wonderful!

I gave myself a try to this Project Wonderful ad. As you can see now, I have 3 slots on my top sidebar where you can advertise a 125x125 ad.

Anyway, Project Wonderful is an ad system that lets advertiser bid on an ad space. The cost is on per day basis. As long as you are the highest bidder, your ad will be displayed on that slot. If someone bids higher, your ad will be replaced by the higher bidder and you’ll only be billed by the time elapsed that your ad is active on the slot.

If you want to advertise your ad, just sign-up on Project Wonderful and bid on one ad slot and your ad will be displayed immediately. You just need to have a Paypal account for payment of your ad.

You can try to put your ad in my slot to see how it works. =)

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  1. Michael  

    May 1, 2008 at 4:43 PM

    I used it before, but getting 2-4 cents a day is not just worth it. A click from an AdSense ad can earn you 2c-50c (or more if you are lucky)

    In my opinion, it's not really worth to put Project Wonderful ad slots on your blog

    PS: Why don't you open anonymous comments as well so more people can comment? :)

  2. Vhonne  

    May 1, 2008 at 11:31 PM

    oh... thanks... I forgot to change the comment option... hehe...

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